Erasmus Mundus, HigherEd, Mentoring

Soundharya Dharshini – Creating Professional Opportunities

In my third blog, I write about opportunities I have seized and how I got to know about them. My mentor was very keen that I count my blessings and write about them. In this blog, I write about what events I attended, and plan to attend, with the hope that this can help other students to expand their horizons as well.

👉Barcelona Deep Tech Summit 2023, 28th & 29th Nov

👉Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023 – 12th & 13th Dec 2023

👉The next opportunity I have created in the pipeline for me

Do also check out my previous post & connect with me on LinkedIn!

Barcelona Deep Tech Summit 2023

As my friend and I engaged in a casual chat about the various prospects in the startup world, he casually mentioned an intriguing event: the Barcelona Deep Tech Summit 2023. According to him, it is for startups, researchers, investors, and corporations, all converging to tackle some of the toughest global issues. Curiosity sparked and I decided to look into it further. To my pleasant surprise, not only was the event free, but its convenient location made it all the more enticing. And just like that, our interest in exploring new opportunities took an exciting turn.

The event was scheduled for November 28 and 29. My friend shared the registration link with me, and I promptly signed up. The registration process was straightforward, requiring basic information such as what I do, where I’m from, and contact details. It was a simple step towards what promised to be an enriching experience.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend the first day of the conference due to my classes, but I eagerly made it on the following day. Upon arrival, the organizers welcomed everyone warmly, and the venue buzzed with activity, each startup boasting its own stall. Meanwhile, presentations showcasing the innovative ideas of various startups were underway at another stage. Moreover, the prospect of one-on-one meetings with high-tech organizations like ABB presented an exciting opportunity to pitch our ideas and potentially secure funding. Overall, it was an exhilarating experience — my first professional event abroad was undeniably thrilling. Since I hadn’t registered to pitch and present any idea, I began exploring the startups relevant to my field. With over 20 companies in attendance, I sifted through the pamphlet to identify those most pertinent to my interests.

My first stop was NEXTMOL, but, their presentation had already taken place on the first day, making it challenging to locate their booth the next day. I pivoted to OXYCO, where I learned about their pioneering work in producing melanin through biocatalysis. Their commitment to sustainability and scalable industrial processes was truly inspiring, even if their focus wasn’t precisely aligned with my interests.

Moving on, I found myself captivated by PACK2EARTH‘s innovative solutions. Their biobased flexible film and injection materials, boasting robustness and compostability at ambient temperatures, showcased the immense potential for revolutionizing packaging and product manufacturing. Engaging with Françoise de Valera, the CEO, added another layer of depth to my understanding. As we discussed their projects and my interests, she encouraged future collaborations, inviting me to reach out to their team via email — an opportunity I eagerly noted for later exploration.

After the event, I took the initiative to connect with Françoise de Valera via LinkedIn and email to maintain our newfound connection. As I perused her LinkedIn profile, I found myself deeply inspired by her journey and achievements. Her dedication to innovation and sustainability resonated with me on a profound level, and she quickly became one of the individuals I look up to for guidance and inspiration.

  • Barcelona Deep Tech welcome
  • Soundharya at Barcelona Deep Tech
  • Oxyco stall at Barcelona Deep Tech
  • Soundharya with Pack2Earth CEO
  • Barcelona Deep Tech kit

Attending this summit was a pivotal moment in my journey, instilling within me a newfound sense of self-assurance and a keen eye for hidden opportunities. It taught me the invaluable lesson that opportunities are often disguised in the every day, waiting to be uncovered by those who are attentive and receptive. While some insights may seem commonplace upon initial encounter, delving deeper can reveal their true potential. Reflecting on my experience, I can’t help but acknowledge that if given the chance, I would seize the opportunity to attend the conference’s first day as well. This realization underscores the importance of embracing every moment as a chance for growth and discovery.

Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023

In the wake of the previous event, my curiosity and hunger for learning led me to explore further events online. It was then that I stumbled upon Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023, an event listed on Eventbrite. Excited by the prospect of another opportunity for growth, I promptly registered, noting with delight that it was also free of charge. As the event drew closer, I delved into the agenda, eager to learn about the lineup of speakers and the topics to be covered. While the focus on IT and AI might have seemed somewhat distant from my usual interests, I saw it as a chance to expand my horizons and forge new connections within the tech community. Plus, the prospect of gleaning insights from successful business leaders was too enticing to pass up. With the event set to unfold on December 12th and 13th, 2023, in the vibrant heart of Barcelona, I eagerly anticipated the knowledge and opportunities that awaited me.

As the day of the conference approached, I mentally geared up for what promised to be an enriching experience. However, upon arriving at the venue, I was met with a delightful surprise. Unlike the conventional conference setting I had anticipated, the atmosphere was vibrant and electrifying. The event was held at the iconic Llotja de Mar, which was transformed into a pulsating hub of activity, illuminated by dazzling lights reminiscent of a DJ set or concert venue. The unexpected ambiance immediately captivated my senses, setting the stage for a truly memorable and immersive experience.

The Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023 event had an altogether different setup. Instead of startup stalls, it featured two stages hosting separate events simultaneously. I directed my attention to Stage 1, where I discovered the unveiling of GEMINI by Google and listened to compelling speeches from various venture capitalists. Among them, Aleix Valls stood out with his captivating narrative of transformation from a science student to a successful entrepreneur. Intrigued by his journey, I delved into his LinkedIn profile after his speech, gaining further insights into his remarkable trajectory.

  • Barcelona Tech Spirit at Llotja de Mar
  • Soundharya at Barcelona Tech Spirit
  • Soundharya at Barcelona Tech Spirit
  • Soundharya at Barcelona Tech Spirit
  • Barcelona Tech Spirit Google DeepMind presentation

During the lunch break, I seized the opportunity to converse with him. To my delight, he was gracious and took a genuine interest in my studies. When I expressed my admiration for his career, he generously suggested connecting on LinkedIn. Following his suggestion, I promptly sent him a connection request, expressing my gratitude and admiration, and noting the influence of my mentor, Dr. Nadan, in fostering such fruitful networking habits.

Regrettably, due to a prior commitment, I couldn’t attend the second day of the conference. However, I did have the pleasure of meeting an artist at the event who was also eager to establish connections. Reflecting on these encounters, I realized the profound impact of each interaction and event, reinforcing the notion that every opportunity, when approached with consistency, eagerness to learn, and an open mind, can lead to significant outcomes.

European Chemicals Agency Conference 2024 – Shaping Tomorrow in Helsinki

In the fast-paced world of professional networking, LinkedIn stands as my beacon of connectivity. It’s not just a social media platform; for me, it’s the primary gateway to staying informed and forging meaningful connections. Following my recent participation in two significant conferences, a serendipitous discovery illuminated a path towards an extraordinary opportunity — European Chemicals Agency Conference 2024 – “Shaping Tomorrow” in Helsinki, Finland on 28th Feb. This year the focus is on “Today’s implementation, tomorrow’s innovation: the future of EU chemicals”.

However, fate had a twist in store. My knowledge of the conference came a month after its initial announcement, leaving me disheartened as the event was already fully booked. Undeterred, I seized the chance to join the waitlist, sending a heartfelt email expressing my huge interest. This conference held unparalleled significance for me; it aligned perfectly with my academic pursuits, boasting a subject matter intricately woven into my years of regulatory experience in India collaborating with ECHA, and my ongoing Master’s studies.

Driven by a passionate desire to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I reached out to the events director and a fellow ECHA trainee, who shared my academic background. Despite their inability to secure me a spot immediately, their understanding and encouragement buoyed my spirits. With a glimmer of hope, I turned to my professor, sharing my aspirations and exploring the possibility of funding for travel and accommodation — perks afforded by my status as an Erasmus Scholar.

In a testament to the power of mentorship and perseverance, my professor’s unwavering support bore fruit. After weeks of hopeful anticipation, I received the confirmation I had been yearning for — an invitation from ECHA to attend the conference and that too fully funded by my Erasmus Mundus programme. The realization of this dream is both humbling and exhilarating, marking a pivotal milestone in my academic and professional journey. I have gathered every tip possible from my mentor Dr Nadan during our recent meeting, in order to make the best of this conference.

As I eagerly anticipate the conference on February 28th, 2024, I invite you to join me on this exhilarating adventure. Stay tuned for updates as I embark on this remarkable opportunity to immerse myself in my passion and collaborate with industry leaders at my dream organization. Yay indeed!

Creating more opportunities

Next academic year, as I will embark on my 2nd mobility year, I will miss the Barcelona events, but I know that there will be more opportunities to look forward.

Since I began under the guidance of my dynamic mentor, Dr. Nadan, I’ve developed a mindset that perceives opportunity in every endeavor. It’s not merely about what you do, but the perspective you bring to it. As Winston Churchill aptly put it, ‘Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential’.

As my coach, Dr Nadan says:

Count your blessings, increase your communication skills, create opportunities for yourself, and doors will open up.

I end this blog here, with the hope the information I have provided in this blog will help current and future students to create professional networking opportunities for themselves.


I thank my coach & mentor Dr Teeroumanee Nadan for guiding me in writing this blog, and for reviewing, text editing, image editing, and adding information to this blog to make it suitable for publication.

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